Saturday, April 6, 2013


To complete our circle and complement our car trip, we biked around the Bodensee, or Lake Constance, for the last three days. We started in Rorschach, Swtizerland and set out to bike through Germany and Austria to return to Switzerland. We designed our own bike tour because we rented our nice bikes from the Swiss train and hired Radweg to shuttle our luggage from one hotel to the next. In case of inclement weather, we had a train and ferry to sag.

Well the first day and 50 km went nicely as the Swiss roads are so smooth and signs are clear and well-placed. We biked to the famous rotating statue in Kontanz and ferried across the Bodensee to Meersburg, Germany.

After Meersburg, Christina Grote, one of our past terrific au pairs, met us! We enjoyed to charming town of Meersburg. The next morning, we woke up to a downpour, which was predicted to last all day. Optimistically, we spent the morning in thermal baths on the edge of the fridged Bodensee, hoping the rain would end by the afternoon. No such luck. Raining cats and dogs. Peter, Gia, Hansi and Tobi took the ferry to our next stop, Kressbronn. Annika and I decided since we were already warm and wet, we might as well bike. German signage is not quite as logical as the Swiss, they rarely put signs at forks in the roads so in typical German fashion one does not get reassurance that your on the right trail until 300 mts after forks. Annika and I spent a lot of time in storm trying to find our trails. After 20 km and the knowing we could catch the last ferry, Annika and I called it and joined the others in the ferry.

On our last day, we were less daunted by the perpetual pissing down of rain. We all biked the first 10 km. At that point, Peter and his gang were fed up with being blinded and pelted by rain, so they took the train. Annika continued another 10 km to Bregenz,Austria. After Bregenz, part of the bike path was merely a bike lane on the side of the highway. In nice weather, I was not looking forward to that bike lane, but in pouring rain it seemed like an outrageously dangerous situation. Annika and I trained through the rest of Austria to Switzerland. Some of us biked most of the way around the lake and we all biked in three countries surrounding the Bodensee: Switzerland, Germany and Austria. A wetter adventure than planned, but turned lemons into lemonade!

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