Monday, August 19, 2013

Girl's sports

Annika and Gia continued to do some of their sports here in Germany, and as usual, very different than in U.S. For example, although we live in Bayern Munich territory, here there are no girls teams until you get to 18 y.o.

Annika ice skated from December until April, when they melted the ice for "summer vacation". Annika skated in Garmisch with a Hungarian coach. She took the train to and from Garmisch; she was proudly independent. She skated with a small group of three and there was always a group of little 9 or 10 year old throwing their triple jumps! Once skating finished, then Annika played soccer 4 times a week with a women's 18 year old team and the boys 14 year old team.

Gia did gymnastics. Gymnastics is very different in Germany, in fact her gymnastics was very similar to when I was in middle school: they had to set up their own bar, beam and vault in a middle school. Gia also practiced with the 13 year old boys team. So although there were no girls teams, the boys made our girls feel welcomed on the field.

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